Saturday, September 17, 2011


I got all but 1 of my clones transplanted and my 7 seedlings put into cups. I have crude set up but it is working. I have 3 Super Lemon Haze, 2 Burmese and 2 Big Bud #1. The Big Bud I have to sex when they get bigger, they were regular seeds. The rest were feminized seeds.  Got my other seeds in a weekhave more to plant, but I’m running out of room. Matt has been giving me all kinds of advice and encouragement.  There are only a few people that have seen my set up. I need to get another light so I can grow some more clones. Money is so tight this month. So I don’t know how much more I can do at this time. I could get another light for 20 bucks and hook that up.

Went to the doctor yesterday and got a script Vics and I got another refill so I was glad to get that saves me the time and money of seeing the doctor every month. I only take them when nothing else works. Nothing like when I was on soma, perks and morphine. I was in a daze. When I was in pain managment you had to take all that shit everyday and then they would piss test you to see if your levels were up or you got shit for it. I got sucked in for a couple of years thinking that I had to take everything that they prescribed. I like to think that I listen to my body and what it needs. There is a fine line. And you can get addicted to the shit. I was lucky that when I went off all those drugs I didn’t withdraw to bad not like other people that have been on the medication that I was taking. The withdrawals are terrible I seen my friends go through them and she was in bad shape. Doctors are not perfect and they don’t have all the answers other than prescribing drugs.

I didn’t put in a garden this year. I just didn’t have the heart for it. I couldn’t afford to do it. I needed all new soil and manure. So I am really excited about my seedlings. I have been picking up stuff left and right here and there. I have never done this before. I have made some mistakes and killed off 4 clones which I bummed out. So I have 2 clones in pots and 3 in cups and 1 in the dome. I got 4 strawberry cough clones from Matt. I would like to get some more. Clones are a good source of income if you have a lot of them. You would have to rotate them and you need the buyers. So if I were to get 50 clones I could have them for a week or so and they would be ready to sell in like 2 weeks.  If I could rotate them out throughout the month that would be serious money for me and I think I might have the room for 50 of them.

I feel good today. The weather is starting to cool down not much but enough to keep it nice in the house. When it is 110 outside it is usually 90 – 95 in my house. It is just hot and I think that it messes with your head. You just want to cool down. I have even just gone to Wal-Mart to cool down.
I’m going to clean up around the house today. I’ve got dishes and papers everywhere. I need a new pair of shorts. I should go to Wal-Mart and see if they have anything on sell. I didn’t get any new shirts this year. I looked but there were no shirts that I like to wear. I like my tank tops. I picked up one the start of spring and it was so small I couldn’t get it over my boobs! So that went back. I haven’t seen anything there close to what I will wear, all the shit comes from China so no wonder it didn’t fit. LOL

I got the book case out and got the table in. I just have to pick up more lights and probably chain too. Misty told me that Ace hardware might have some smaller lights. So I’m going to check them out and see how big they are.

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