Monday, September 12, 2011

Living Day by Day

I slept till 10 today. I don’ think I had went to bed that late. I set my coffee as usual so all I have to do is turn it on when I make my way to the kitchen. I have to get to bed early so that I can get up for a 9 o’clock appointment with Voc Rehab. I need to go over my paper work so that I have everything in order. I hope that they can help me out. I have to find something to wear to. I probably will do a load of clothes so that I have something to wear. 

Matt stopped over last night and gave me some advice on my clones. So I moved them to the study with two chairs and placed the light on the chairs. He said to leave the light on all the time. I have to admit that the plants look a little better this morning. He has been doing it for a long time, so I trust what he has to say. I have seen some of his plants and they look great.

I lowered my dose of Risperidone starting it on Sunday when I filled my med box. I will be moderating to see if there are any changes in my mood or behavior. I like to think that I am aware of the changes if any. I don’t think that my body needs all the medication that I am taking. So I’m going to be weaning myself off the Risperidone.   I also started taking fish oil along with the dogs. They get one every morning with a piece of hot dog. I have been giving them it for the past couple of years and they love it. They chew it right up. I can’t believe that they do it, I wouldn’t but they love it.
Since using MMj my mood has been better. I feel that my mental health is at good point. My pain level is manageable. So to the nonbeliever like I was for so many years, MMJ works for me and my illnesses. It has been three years since starting to use it. The last time I used marijuana I was 21 years old. It had been 25 years. I had people in my life that used it, but I always put them down thinking that I was better than they were. I thought I had all the question and answers. Found out that I didn’t have all the facts. And for that I probably suffered. I can be very pig headed and closed minded. It is best to do your own research and find out what works for you. Only you know what it does for you. Your doctor that opposes it might not have all the facts. They may be only reading literature that is sent out by our government that opposes it. So where is the true justice in all of this? There are facts out there you just have to look for them and do the research.  

DO YOUR RESEARCH! Don’t depend on your family or PCP doctor to give you all the facts. They may be smart but they are not God and far from perfect in their practicing of medicine. First, do no harm…

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