Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TRUTH About The Typical 3-Part Fertilizer On The Market (Including our Jungle Juice™ Grow-Micro-Bloom)...

TRUTH About The Typical 3-Part Fertilizer On The Market (Including our Jungle Juice™ Grow-Micro-Bloom)...
There's really no easy way to put this so I'm just going to come right out and say it. The product you see on the left is overpriced, plain and simple. The fact is, neither Jungle Juice Grow-Micro-Bloom™ nor General Hydroponics Flora Grow-Micro-Bloom are exactly what your high-value plants need. Here's what these products are NOT...

  • Will not balance your pH automatically like pH Perfect.
  • Will not protect your crops against poor yields caused by low or high pH levels.
  • Not all micro-nutrients in the typical 3-part fertilizers are chelated.
  • Cations and anions are not properly balanced for our specialized crops.
  • Have the wrong ratios of macro secondary and micro nutrients for your plants.
And yet General Hydroponics still wants to charge a price reflecting that standard of quality and investment.
You see, because of its enormous reputation, General Hydroponics has been thriving in an industry that hasn't really been able to offer a viable alternative. Until now, that is. Not only does the product on the left not reflect the true value of its components, but also, the product itself doesn't really offer the high quality standards that we at Advanced Nutrients know you expect and deserve.
Let me tell you what I mean...

Are You REALLY Getting What You're Paying
For With General Hydroponics?
We tested the Flora series and even though we expected to find some inconsistency, what we discovered was SHOCKING.
General Hydroponics’ fertilizer shows huge variations from batch to batch! We’re professional growers, just like you, and we believe this is inexcusable. As growers of high value plants, you and I both know what a huge part consistency plays in guaranteeing our yields and product quality. And from a company as well established as General Hydroponics, you would expect a much higher standard of quality, right? And that’s not even the worst part …
Because of the inconsistency from batch to batch, it is evident that during the mixing process General Hydroponics does not measure their ingredients carefully.
In contrast, instead of dumping bags of ingredients into mixing our products (which can lead to variations in formulas due to differences in weight from bag to bag) we hand-weigh everything because it is much more accurate (even though it takes MUCH more time and effort).
What’s more, General Hydroponics farms out the production of at least some of their products. On the other hand at Advanced Nutrients we know that the best way to ensure high quality products is to produce them in house.
In fact, one of the cofounders of Advanced Nutrients, Michael "Big Mike" Straumietis, was sitting down with David Solotky "The Second In Command" at General Hydroponics along with their marketing director Christina—the owner’s daughter—discussing what’s been going on in the industry. All of a sudden, Dave turns to Mike and says,

"So, your Iguana Juice™... That's one great product... We wish our organic fertilizers were that good... Do you make it yourself?"
That’s when it really hit Big Mike. He realized General Hydroponics doesn’t make a lot of their own products!

"You don't manufacture that yourself?" He asked.
"No," Dave replied, "we outsource a lot of our products."
This just blew Big Mike’s mind because the people they outsource to are not even a hydroponics company, just manufacturers that have the capabilities to make these products. They don’t know anything about the specifics of hydro growing or the specific needs of our industry.

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