Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Got a wild hair up my butt and wrote the Governor, that doesn't care about her voters. Her ego is so big I don't know how she fits her head through the door. She uses drugs... alcohol... got stopped once that we know of. She gives off bad vibes. I just felt compelled to say something! LOL Here it is...
Dear Ms Brewer,
14 other state have voted for the MMJ. They have not been attacked by the federal government. You are making the voters suffer. While you ride your high horse people are suffering. It shows to me that you don't give a crap what the voters think. You talk with two tongues, I don't trust you. I suffer from chronic pain and Bipolar disorder and MMJ has given me back a quality of life that I didn't have before smoking. I'm not sure I trust any political figures, you are all out for yourselves and once you are in office, you put your middle finger up at the people that voted. Thanks for all your support. You are not the leader you think you are. I think you and all your kind make it harder and burden the backs of the voters.

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