Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Making weed butter

How To Make Cannabutter That Works!
Making Marijuna Butter Is Easy.

marijuana cookiesKnowing how to make cannabutter is the core of most marijuana food recipes. Weedbutter is the essential ingredient that gives the high in marijuana food, so take your time to make it right.
Making marijuana butter requires just a few simple steps. Mostly, your time will be spent waiting, however, the longer you wait the better the pot butter. Patience does pay off. 
The marijuana effect of these weed butter recipes "should" get you stoned. A great benefit of cannabutter is that it can be applied to almost any food recipe that requires butter.

How To Make Cannabutter.
Making Marijuana Butter Video At Bottom of Page!

how to make cannabutterPot butter ingredients:

3 sticks of unsalted butter, not margarine!
1/2 oz. or more marijuana leaf, less if using buds.
1/2 cup of water.

Tools to make weed butter:

Large pot for boiling, large bowl,
small bowl, strainer,grinder, cheesecloth
or simply an old pair of pantyhose.

1. Prepare marijuana leaf or bud. You can crush or grind your marijuana leaves using a clean electric coffee grinder for ease, or you can do it by hand with a bud grinder or with your hand. The more the leaf and bud is ground the easier it is for THC extraction.
2. Grab your large pot and add the 3 sticks of unsalted stick butter. Heat on very low stirring occasionally until melted. Don't get stoned and burn it!
making marijuana butter
3. Once the butter is melted, add your marijuana leaf or bud, and water to the pot. Mix and bring to a slight simmer with the heat still on low and cover.
4. The hardest step in making marijuana butter is that you must wait! The longer you wait with this recipe the better the bud budder.

Let your weed butter mixture simmer for no less than two hours, and no more than 24. Yes patience! If the mixture looks like it could use some more water during the wait time feel free to add a little bit more.

After you can't wait any longer, remove the bud butter from heat and let it cool until manageable (about five or ten min). Now pour your fresh marijuana butter through the strainer into your large bowl, this removes the big pieces of marijuana leaf.
6. More extraction for a nice buttery consistency. If you have a cheesecloth handy this step is easy. If your butter is still hot wear rubber gloves. If you do not want to burn yourself. Soak the cheesecloth in the budder, and squeeze into your small bowl used for storage. You can repeat this process to remove more of the marijuana remnants if you feel it is necessary.

If you do not have a cheesecloth then we would recommend using an old pair of pantyhose. Cut the foot off the pantyhose and carefully pour your marijuana butter mixture in and squeeze over your small bowl.

7. Cover your bowl and place it into the refrigerator to cool. The remaining water will separate from the butter. Once cooled you can easily pour off the excess water, and enjoy your fresh marijuana butter.

Now that you know how to make cannabutter you should try it in one of your favorite recipes that requires butter, like brownies, cake, or cookies.

Monday, December 5, 2011

meds in 3 weeks

cut  down 5 of my plants today strawberry cough and kushage

OUR VIEW: State should join effort to reclassify marijuana

Saturday, Dec 03 2011 11:00 PM

OUR VIEW: State should join effort to reclassify marijuana

The governors of Washington and Rhode Island last week sought to clear up the legal gray area created by the decriminalization of medical marijuana in their states by asking the federal government to reclassify the drug. Gov. Jerry Brown ought to join them.
Govs. Christine Gregoire of Washington, a Democrat, and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, a Republican-turned-independent, have asked the federal government to reclassify marijuana as a drug with accepted medical uses. Marijuana is currently classified by the federal government as a Schedule I controlled substance, which has "no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States." Other drugs in this category include heroin and LSD.
The governors want marijuana reclassified to Schedule II, which is the classification for cocaine, morphine and opiates, which have "some accepted medical use and may be prescribed, administered or dispensed for medical use."
As we in California well know, conflicting state and federal views on marijuana have created a marketplace for medical marijuana that is void of legitimate regulation and patient safety protections.
A reclassification of the drug could potentially lead to marijuana being dispensed by pharmacies, which would be safer than, and preferable to, the hodgepodge system of dispensaries, doctor "recommendations," patient cards and uneven enforcement that has resulted in illicit, back-door distribution to recreational users and unnecessary difficulties for legitimate medical users.
As recently as July, the DEA decided against reclassifying marijuana, but the decision was primarily based on old studies. A number of medical associations and organizations support the reclassification, including the American Medical Association, which reversed its position because current law limits clinical research.
Sixteen states have adopted medical marijuana laws. The other 14 should join the effort initiated by Washington and Rhode Island -- and it should start with Brown.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Federal Crack Down

Federal prosecutors are cracking down on hundreds of California medical-marijuana dispensaries that they say are fronts for drug dealing.
  • U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte Jr. holds up an enlarged copy of a marijuana magazine cover that cites California as the most profitable state for marijuana sales in Sacramento,  Calif., Oct. 7.
    By Rich Pedroncelli, AP
    U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte Jr. holds up an enlarged copy of a marijuana magazine cover that cites California as the most profitable state for marijuana sales in Sacramento, Calif., Oct. 7.
By Rich Pedroncelli, AP
U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte Jr. holds up an enlarged copy of a marijuana magazine cover that cites California as the most profitable state for marijuana sales in Sacramento, Calif., Oct. 7.
The aggressive and wide-ranging action targets commercial operations that are growing and supplying large quantities of marijuana, and dispensaries and stores located near schools and parks, prosecutors said.
"The California marijuana industry is not about providing medicine to the sick," said Laura Duffy, the U.S. attorney in San Diego. "It's a pervasive for-profit industry that violates federal law."
Marijuana is legal for medical use in California, 15 other states and Washington, D.C., but is subject to strict regulation. The state laws conflict with federal law, which does not recognize any legal use for marijuana. It is unclear whether similar crackdowns will follow in other states.
"While we wouldn't speculate on what action we might or might not take with respect to any particular matter, the department has made clear that large-scale industrial marijuana cultivation centers are subject to potential federal enforcement action," Justice Department spokeswoman Jessica Smith said.
In June, a Justice Department memo to U.S. attorneys said dispensaries and licensed growers could be prosecuted for violating federal drug and money-laundering laws. A previous policy memo had indicated that the Justice Department considered such prosecutions a low priority in states with medical marijuana laws.
"The Obama administration, in what seems to be a concerted effort across the state, is betraying the promise it originally made to leave patients and their caregivers alone," said Stephen Gutwillig, California director of the Drug Policy Alliance. "We think this is an outrageous expression of bad faith, bad policy and bad politics."
Thom Mrozek, spokesman for the U.S. attorney in Los Angeles, said the crackdown is aimed at stores that "are selling marijuana at a profit, which is also in violation of California law."
U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte Jr. in Los Angeles lodged criminal drug-trafficking charges against a North Hollywood marijuana store that allegedly made $15 million in profits in eight months.
In an indictment unsealed this week, prosecutors say six people who operated the store distributed 600 to 700 pounds of marijuana a month and shipped it illegally to two other states.
Federal prosecutors in Los Angeles also filed three civil lawsuits involving two buildings and a strip mall. The lawsuit against an Orange County strip mall alleges that eight of the 11 suites on the second floor sold marijuana. Prosecutors warned owners and landlords of 38 other stores that they had two weeks to stop marijuana sales or face prosecution.
"For-profit, commercial marijuana operations are illegal not only under federal law, but also under California law," Birotte said.
In San Diego, U.S. Attorney Duffy said her office sent hundreds of letters to marijuana stores warning them to stop selling marijuana within 45 days or face prosecution. She said the four U.S. attorneys in California coordinated a federal enforcement action in response to requests for help from local police.
Prosecutors also charged six people with selling marijuana to minors, money laundering and other charges related to their operation of two stores near colleges that sold high-grade marijuana and marijuana-laden candy, cookies, bubble gum, ice cream and barbecue sauce. Prosecutors say the stores catered to college and high school students.
Increased federal intervention is likely to unify marijuana growers and sellers in a drive to change federal policy, National Cannabis Industry Association spokeswoman Melissa Milam said.
"We're not going anywhere. We're mothers, we're patients, we're family members of patients," she said. "We want to pay taxes, we want to be able to make deposits at our bank, we want to be a business."
State Sen. Mark Leno, a Democrat who has worked to safeguard and regulate medical marijuana in California, said, "I don't understand the politics of it, and certainly if we haven't learned anything over the past century, it's that prohibition does not work."
Some cities have already sought to shut down dispensaries that they say are violating zoning ordinances and breaking state law. The city of San Diego says its zoning laws forbid medical marijuana dispensaries, yet more than 160 operate there. Last month, the city attorney sued to close 12 dispensaries operating within 600 feet of schools.
"We have an untenable situation right now and a lot of policy conflicts," City Attorney Jan Goldsmith said. "This situation cries out for ultimate policy direction from the state and federal levels that local communities can rely upon."
Contributing: The Associated Press

The Blues

I’m feeling kind a paranoid today. Not sure what is going on. Lupe called me this morning. I started to fall asleep on the phone. It was 8:16 am. I finally got out of bed about 10:00. I feel like I am way behind. I ran to the bank and then off to Wal-Mart. I had to get some cleaning products because one of the dogs puked on the carpet and I can’t stand the smell. Resolve is a great product, I have used it before. I might even do the sofa. I have a cover on it because of the dogs; it could still use a good cleaning.
My thoughts are racing. My head is full of noise and many thoughts. I feel lonely, empty and sad. The thoughts are not the types that are intrusive. They are just hanging around taking up space. I feel overwhelmed with a life that I don’t have control over. I smoked a little and that seemed to put them in check for a while.
I called my dental insurance what a mess. The dentist has a code that is D9899 for a sleep apnea device but the code is not in the American Dental Association’s book of codes. Last time I was tested for sleep apnea they told me that I stop breathing 15 times an hour. That is 120 times a night if you sleep 8 hours.  So yeah it bothers me. I can’t where that thing over my face, nose ECT… it just doesn’t work for me. It costs 775.00 for the device. So I guess I am SOL.
Maybe it is just the blues from being up in Chino and having such a great time.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What is Crohn's disease?

Take on Crohn's by
understanding your symptoms.

One of the best ways to help manage your Crohn’s disease is to learn more about it.1 The fact is, Crohn's is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation of the lining of your digestive system, which can lead to flare-ups.2
For the more than half a million American men and women who have been diagnosed with Crohn’s, inflammation is at the root of their symptoms.1
While the exact cause of Crohn’s remains unknown, researchers now believe that a combination of genetics, environmental factors, and an abnormal immune response may result in the inflammation of the digestive tract.2

Abdominal pain and cramping are two of the many symptoms.

These Crohn’s disease symptoms, which range from mild to severe2 and vary widely from person to person1 may also include2:
  • Frequent diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Reduced appetite
  • Weight loss

Sidestepping your symptoms may be avoiding the problem.

Many people cope from day to day by sidestepping their Crohn's symptoms. They may change their diets, skip meals, or avoid certain public places.2
But all this effort to sidestep your symptoms, doesn't do much to address them. If you find yourself sidestepping your Crohn's symptoms, maybe it's time to speak with your doctor about what’s going on.
Use this interactive tool to help you have a more informed discussion.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Grandaddy Purple

Granddaddy Purple (GDP)

Origins - Northern California
Flowering - 60 days
Harvest - Mid October
Granddaddy Purple Marijuana

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Apothecary specializes in creating medical strains. They have been growing and refining this all-indica variety for five years. Her ancestors have grown in the hills of Northern California for over two decades, where her phenotypes have been known by many different names including Grape Ape, Purple Erkel, and Grandaddy Grape Ape.

As an indoor crop, Granddaddy Purple is equally happy in hydro or soil. With a pure indica heritage, this plant is predisposed to a short bushy stature. Granddaddy branches extensively, making her less than ideal for SOG style grows, but she can be trained to make an awesome super crop garden. When left to her natural tendencies, this strain will make a nice big shrub that reaches about 3 feet indoors or up to 8 feet outdoors. She is a hardy grower with tight internodes and dense dark green to purple leaves.

Granddaddy Purple is easy to work with throughout her growth cycle. She likes a cool temperature, between 70-80 F, and can be very forgiving so long as she is adequately watered. Due to her high resin output and dense structure, this plant can be alluring to mites.

Granddaddy Purple finishes her flowering cycle in 8-9 weeks. The buds are dense green nuggets that gain royal purple hues as they mature. Depending on the size she is allowed to reach, Granddaddy Purple can yield between 0.5 and 3.5 ounces apiece. outdoor plants will really deliver, with potential yields between 8 ounces and 5 pounds.

There is a potent, undeniable grape tinge to this plant' aroma, and a sweet grape taste that lingers subtly on the tongue. Granddaddy Purple's effects are enduring, with a smooth even feeling throughout. For an indica, her buzz is surprisingly alert and energetic rather than sedating. This is a good smoke for walking in the high meadows and swimming in the lake afterwards. Medicinally, this varity has given relief to cancer / chemotherapy patients. Granddaddy Purple has taken first prize in no less than four pot competitions: The Inglewood Medical Cannabis Cup in 2004, and the Green Cup in 2004, 2005, and 2006.
Post your comments / questions about Granddaddy Purple marijuana strain

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Super Lemon Haze

Super Lemon Haze
[Green House Seed Company]

Sativa / Indica
Origins - Lemon Skunk x Super Silver Haze
Flowering - 63-70 days
Super Lemon Haze Marijuana

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The Super Lemon Haze is a superstar. This strain has swept first prize in Amsterdam's Cannabis Cup for two consecutive years (2008 and 2009), also taking second in the Sativa Cup in 2009. The popularity of this strain stands on the shoulders of its predecessors. The father, Super Silver Haze, was already famous, taking high accolades and multiple prizes throughout the late 1990s. However, not all chicldren of the famous go on to earn fame in their own right. It takes the right combination, and in this case, that combination involves a Lemon Skunk mother, a selection from a Citral x Skunk cross.

The Lemon Skunk mother brings a fragrant lemon intensity to tantalize haze fans, as well as adding steady skunk genetics that will appeal to growers. The haze influences still make this a better multi-branch plant. Super Lemon Haze retains a willowy sativa growth pattern and forms long buds bearded in extra long hairs. This strain does equally well in soil or hydr, and prefers a high PK intake in later flowering. Although Super Lemon Haze can technically be grown both indoors and out, it is limited between 40 degrees latitude North and South outdoors. It is faster and more forgiving than its haze papa, but most Super Lemon Haze growers will be gardening in the great indoors. At finish, Super Lemon Haze averages 3.5 feet indoors, but may get up to 10 feet tall in the proper outdoor setting.

The winning combination of lemon / lime pungency and strong spicy hazebackground is undeniably detectable. The Super Lemon Haze taste is a citrus fruity bite with a light acridity. Haze flavors of musky-woodsy earth resonate in the undertones. Flavor aside, sativa fans will really go gaga for the obvious qualities that make hazes so well loved. The high begins with a strong and immediate physical sensation, followed by a soaring cerebral sense of elation. This pot has a fizzy social side, bringing people out of themselves into a good humored, giggly and vivacious mood. Super Lemon Haze is not for serious or heavy introspection, nor is it well suited to solitary tasks that require a single-track focus. Although it can range into the slightly dreamy, this is definitely an active, clear, and emotionally uplifting buzz that is best suited to recreational activites. medicinally, it has been reported as good for appetite stimulation and nausea.

Post your comments / questions about Super Lemon Haze marijuana strain

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